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Insects breakout session at the G10K-VGP EBP 2019 Meeting

There will be an 'Insects' breakout session during the G10K-VGP EBP 2019 Meeting ( This year's meeting is a joint effort between the Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP). The discussion-based insects breakout session is scheduled for 9am -12 pm Eastern, Wednesday, August 28th.

The session agenda is available here:

For the full meeting agenda, see

If you are not coming to the meeting, but are interested in shaping the discussion about insects or arthropods in the Earth BioGenome Project, we encourage you to attend the session remotely. We will have a zoom connection open during the meeting, and will do our best to make the audio acceptable. If you are interested, please register for the discussion in advance:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.