The Cimex lectularius OGSv1.2 (clec_OGS_v1_2.gff3.gz). The OGSv1.2 is an integration of automatic gene predictions from MAKER (done by Dan Hughes at Baylor) with manual annotations by the research community (done via Web Apollo). File description for release of OGSv1.2 * clec_OGS_v1_2_CDS.fa.gz - CDS sequences for OGSv1.2 * clec_OGS_v1_2_peptide.fa.gz - protein sequences for OGSv1.2 * clec_OGS_v1_2_cDNA.fa.gz - transcript sequences for OGSv1.2 * clec_OGS_v1_2.gff3.gz - GFF3 file for OGSv1.2 Information about the publication of this dataset can be found here: The full OGSv1.2 dataset is accessible at the Ag Data Commons: The full datasets for OGSv1.2 and OGSv1.3 are accessible at VEuPathDB: Additional information about OGSv1.3 is accessible at VEuPathDB: Official Gene Sets OGSv1.1 and OGSv1.0 were never publicly released.