### Cimex lectularius genome - 1.1 ### This is a reassembly of the original, unanchored C. lectularius genome (Genbank accession: PRJNA167477) into autosomal linkage groups based on a linkage map produced by Fountain et al (2016; G3 in press). The 14 linkage groups consist of 74 anchored scaffolds from the previous assembly and in total account for 433 Mb or 67% of the genome. The linkage map was assembled using SNP calls derived from RAD-seq analysis of a F2 cross between strains resistant and susceptible to pyrethroid insecticides. RADs were mapped to the original reference, SNPs called using the Stacks pipeline and linkage map construction performed using R/qtl. Reassembly using the linkage map was performed in Chromonomer 1.03 (http://catchenlab.life.illinois.edu/chromonome) using default settings. Scripts for mapping, SNP calling and linkage map estimation can be found here: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.d4r50 Files are: ### Clec_1.1_genome.agp ### AGP with a definition of the reassembly; contains linkage groups and scaffold anchoring positions ### Clec_1.1_integrated.fa ### Fasta file of genome reassembled into linkage groups; also contains unplaced scaffolds ### Clec_1.1_scaffolds.agp ### AGP but defined at the scaffold level and not with linkage groups. Also contains scaffold split positions. ### Clec_1.1_split_scaffold_map.tsv ### List of split scaffolds and split coordinates. ### Clec_1.1_unplaced_scaffolds.agp ### AGP of unmodified, unplaceable scaffolds. ### Clecl_1.1_summary.log ### Log from chromonomer run. Details scaffold splits, anchoring positions and linkage group lengths.