OGS v2.2 generation steps: MAKER 2.25 was used for initial set of gene predictions. These were used for manual annotation using Web Apollo by a community of experts. The resulting manual annotations, the MAKER results, and de novo assemblies of RNA seq data (Trinity and Oases) were used to produce gene predictions using the PASA2 program to generate OGS2.0. OGS2.0 was then modified to meet NCBI-GenBank quality review (OGS2.1). OGS2.1 was lifted over to assembly JHU_Msex_v1.0 using the LiftOff (https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1016) and Genometools (http://genometools.org/) software. OGS2.2 has quality issues due to the liftover - the i5k Workspace@NAL recommends NCBI Annotation Release 102 for general analysis, instead.