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Functional annotation of Annotation v0.5.3 of the Homalodisca vitripennis assembly using MAKER (Baylor College of Medicine)

Resource Type
Gene Functional Annotation
Functional annotation of Annotation v0.5.3 of the Homalodisca vitripennis assembly using MAKER (Baylor College of Medicine)

The AgBase functional annotation pipeline provides Gene Ontology annotations via the GOAnna and InterProScan software packages, as well as KEGG annotations via the KOBAS software, for protein sets hosted by the i5k Workspace@NAL.

A full description of the functional annotation pipeline can be found here:

Instructions for running the functional annotation pipeline can be found here:

Functional annotation files are available under

Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
AgBase functional annotation pipeline
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: HVIT.faa
Source URI
Saha S, Cooksey AM, Childers AK, Poelchau MF, McCarthy FM. Workflows for Rapid Functional Annotation of Diverse Arthropod Genomes.. Insects. 2021 Aug 19; 12(8).
Date Performed
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 14:54