Many of the genomes, predicted gene sets, and RNA-Seq data hosted on the i5k Workspace@NAL are not yet published. These data are made publicly available in order to enable rapid research on individual genes prior to genome analysis publication. These data are covered by the Ft. Lauderdale and Toronto agreements. Following these agreements, the data producers make the data available and state their intent to publish analyses, the data users ask permission to use the prepublication data and cite the appropriate source, and the journals and reviewers ensure that articles are published following the guidelines. Please identify the recommended citation method for a dataset within each organism page ( If a dataset is covered under the Ft. Lauderdale or Toronto agreements, please contact the genome community contact, available on each organism page, if you wish to use these sequences in published analyses. Get in touch with the i5k Workspace@NAL if you have any questions.
- Arthropoda
- aettum-(Aethina_tumida)
- Current\ Genome\ Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAetTumi1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- icAetTumi1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024364675.err
- GCF_024364675.gff3
- GCF_024364675.json
- GCF_024364675.tsv
- GCF_024364675.xml
- GCF_024364675_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_gaf.txt
- GCF_024364675_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024364675.1_icAetTumi1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001937115.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001937115.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- GCF_001937115.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI_Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100
- Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100_cDNA_match.gff3
- Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100_lncRNA.gff3
- Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100_protein_coding.gff3
- Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100_pseudogene.gff3
- Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100_tRNA.gff3
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_genomic.gff
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_protein.faa
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_rna.fna
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_rna_from_genomic.fna
- readme
- NCBI_Aethina_tumida_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_protein.faa
- GCF_001937115.err
- GCF_001937115.gff3
- GCF_001937115.json
- GCF_001937115.tsv
- GCF_001937115.xml
- GCF_001937115_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115_gaf.txt
- GCF_001937115_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001937115.1_Atum_1.0_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_001937115.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAetTumi1.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAetTumi1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- icAetTumi1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024364675.err
- GCF_024364675.gff3
- GCF_024364675.json
- GCF_024364675.tsv
- GCF_024364675.xml
- GCF_024364675_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_gaf.txt
- GCF_024364675_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024364675.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024364675.1_icAetTumi1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current\ Genome\ Assembly
- agrpla-(Agrilus_planipennis)
- Apla_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Apla_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Apla_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Agrilus planipennis Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Agrilus planipennis Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000699045.2_Apla_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000699045.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- APLA_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- def-45-80-APLA_full
- APLA_readme.txt
- APLA_readme.txt~
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.asn
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.html
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.tsv
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out_goanna_gaf.tsv
- def-annotate_KOBAS_pathways_acc.tsv
- def-annotate_acc_KOBAS_pathways.tsv
- consensus_gene_set
- APLA.Analysis.gff3.gz
- APLA_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Agrilus_planipennis_Annotation_Release_100
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Apla_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Apla_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Agrilus planipennis Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Agrilus planipennis Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000699045.2_Apla_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000699045.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Apla_2.0
- amytra-(Amyelois_transitella)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ilAmyTran1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ilAmyTran1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Amyelois transitella Annotation Release GCF_032362555.1-RS_2023_11
- NCBI Amyelois transitella Annotation Release GCF_032362555.1-RS_2023_11 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_032362555.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_032362555.1_ilAmyTran1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001186105.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM118610v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM118610v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100
- ncbi_split_by_type
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_cDNA_match.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_lncRNA.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_match.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_misc_RNA.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_protein_coding-high_quality.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_protein_coding-low_quality.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_pseudogene.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_region.gff3.gz
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100_tRNA.gff3.gz
- protein.fa.gz
- readme
- ref_ASM118610v1_scaffolds.gff3
- rna.fa.gz
- ncbi_split_by_type
- Amyelois_transitella_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI Amyelois transitella Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_001186105.err
- GCF_001186105.gff3
- GCF_001186105.json
- GCF_001186105.tsv
- GCF_001186105.xml
- GCF_001186105_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105_gaf.txt
- GCF_001186105_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001186105.1_ASM118610v1_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_001186105.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ilAmyTran1.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ilAmyTran1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ilAmyTran1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Amyelois transitella Annotation Release GCF_032362555.1-RS_2023_11
- NCBI Amyelois transitella Annotation Release GCF_032362555.1-RS_2023_11 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_032362555.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_032362555.1_ilAmyTran1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- analud-(Anastrepha_ludens)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaLude1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- idAnaLude1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03
- NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_028408465.err
- GCF_028408465.gff3
- GCF_028408465.json
- GCF_028408465.tsv
- GCF_028408465.xml
- GCF_028408465_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_gaf.txt
- GCF_028408465_go_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465.1_complete.gaf
- GCF_028408465.1_idAnaLude1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaLude1.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaLude1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- idAnaLude1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03
- NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_028408465.err
- GCF_028408465.gff3
- GCF_028408465.json
- GCF_028408465.tsv
- GCF_028408465.xml
- GCF_028408465_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_gaf.txt
- GCF_028408465_go_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_028408465.1_complete.gaf
- GCF_028408465.1_idAnaLude1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- anaobl-(Anastrepha_obliqua)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaObli1_1.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- idAnaObli1_1.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anastrepha obliqua Annotation Release GCF_027943255.1-RS_2023_03
- NCBI Anastrepha obliqua Annotation Release GCF_027943255.1-RS_2023_03 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_027943255.err
- GCF_027943255.gff3
- GCF_027943255.json
- GCF_027943255.tsv
- GCF_027943255.xml
- GCF_027943255_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_gaf.txt
- GCF_027943255_go_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255.1_complete.gaf
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaObli1_1.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- idAnaObli1_1.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- idAnaObli1_1.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anastrepha obliqua Annotation Release GCF_027943255.1-RS_2023_03
- NCBI Anastrepha obliqua Annotation Release GCF_027943255.1-RS_2023_03 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_027943255.err
- GCF_027943255.gff3
- GCF_027943255.json
- GCF_027943255.tsv
- GCF_027943255.xml
- GCF_027943255_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_gaf.txt
- GCF_027943255_go_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_027943255.1_complete.gaf
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- anasim-(Anabrus_simplex)
- ASM4041472v1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM4041472v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM4041472v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anabrus simplex Annotation Release GCF_040414725.1-RS_2024_09
- NCBI Anabrus simplex Annotation Release GCF_040414725.1-RS_2024_09 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_040414725.1_ASM4041472v1_protein.faa
- GCF_040414725.err
- GCF_040414725.gff3
- GCF_040414725.tsv
- GCF_040414725_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_gaf.txt
- GCF_040414725_go_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725.1_ASM4041472v1_protein.faa
- GCF_040414725.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM4041472v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM4041472v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anabrus simplex Annotation Release GCF_040414725.1-RS_2024_09
- NCBI Anabrus simplex Annotation Release GCF_040414725.1-RS_2024_09 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_040414725.1_ASM4041472v1_protein.faa
- GCF_040414725.err
- GCF_040414725.gff3
- GCF_040414725.tsv
- GCF_040414725_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_gaf.txt
- GCF_040414725_go_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_040414725.1_ASM4041472v1_protein.faa
- GCF_040414725.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM4041472v1
- anogla-(Anoplophora_glabripennis)
- Agla_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Agla_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Agla_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Anoplophora glabripennis Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Anoplophora glabripennis Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000390285.2_Agla_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000390285.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- OGS_v1_2
- OGS_v1_2 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.err
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.gff3
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.html.tar.gz
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.json
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.svg.tar.gz
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.tsv
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide.xml
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_acc_go_counts.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_gaf.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_go_counts.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_interpro_counts.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_pathway_counts.txt
- README.txt
- agla_OGS_v1_2_peptide_complete.gaf.tsv
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- BCM_version_0.5.3-Primary_Gene_Set
- primary_gene_set
- Cegma.gff.gz
- augustus_masked.gff.gz
- blastx_Annelida.gff.gz
- blastx_Arthropoda.gff.gz
- blastx_Atelocerata.gff.gz
- blastx_Cephalochordata.gff.gz
- blastx_Chelicerata.gff.gz
- blastx_Cnidaria.gff.gz
- blastx_Craniata.gff.gz
- blastx_Crustacea.gff.gz
- blastx_Echinodermata.gff.gz
- blastx_Mollusca.gff.gz
- blastx_Nemata.gff.gz
- blastx_Nematomorpha.gff.gz
- blastx_Onychophora.gff.gz
- blastx_Parazoa.gff.gz
- blastx_Placozoa.gff.gz
- blastx_Platyhelminthes.gff.gz
- blastx_Priapulida.gff.gz
- blastx_Tardigrada.gff.gz
- blastx_Tunicata.gff.gz
- blastx_UNCATEGORISED.gff.gz
- est_gff.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Annelida.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Arthropoda.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Atelocerata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Cephalochordata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Chelicerata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Cnidaria.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Craniata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Crustacea.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Echinodermata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Mollusca.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Nemata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Nematomorpha.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Onychophora.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Parazoa.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Placozoa.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Platyhelminthes.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Priapulida.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Tardigrada.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Tunicata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_UNCATEGORISED.gff.gz
- repeatmasker.gff.gz
- repeatrunner.gff.gz
- snap_masked.gff.gz
- BCM_version_0.5.3-Primary_Gene_Set
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- BCM_i5k_pilot
- Adult_Female_alignments
- Adult_Male_alignments
- Scully_larval_RNASeq
- BCM_i5k_pilot
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Agla_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Agla_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Anoplophora glabripennis Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Anoplophora glabripennis Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000390285.2_Agla_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000390285.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Agla_2.0
- antgra-(Anthonomus_grandis grandis)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAntGran1.3
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- icAntGran1.3
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anthonomus grandis grandis Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Anthonomus grandis grandis Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_022605725.err
- GCF_022605725.gff3
- GCF_022605725.json
- GCF_022605725.tsv
- GCF_022605725.xml
- GCF_022605725_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_gaf.txt
- GCF_022605725_go_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_022605725.1_icAntGran1.3_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAntGran1.3
- 1.Genome Assembly
- icAntGran1.3
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- icAntGran1.3
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Anthonomus grandis grandis Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Anthonomus grandis grandis Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_022605725.err
- GCF_022605725.gff3
- GCF_022605725.json
- GCF_022605725.tsv
- GCF_022605725.xml
- GCF_022605725_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_gaf.txt
- GCF_022605725_go_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_022605725.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_022605725.1_icAntGran1.3_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- apimel-(Apis_mellifera)
- Amel_4.5
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Amel_4.5
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Amel_4.5
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- apimel_OGSv3.3
- apimel_OGSv3.3_functional_annotations
- GOanna
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.asn
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.html
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.tsv
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out_goanna_gaf.tsv
- Interproscan
- amel_OGSv3.err
- amel_OGSv3.gff3
- amel_OGSv3.html.tar.gz
- amel_OGSv3.json
- amel_OGSv3.svg.tar.gz
- amel_OGSv3.tsv
- amel_OGSv3.xml
- amel_OGSv3_acc_go_counts.txt
- amel_OGSv3_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- amel_OGSv3_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- amel_OGSv3_gaf.txt
- amel_OGSv3_go_counts.txt
- amel_OGSv3_interpro_counts.txt
- amel_OGSv3_pathway_counts.txt
- README.txt
- README.txt~
- combined_gaf.tsv
- GOanna
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Amel_HAv3.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Amel_HAv3.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Amel_HAv3.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Apis mellifera Annotation Release 104
- NCBI Apis mellifera Annotation Release 104 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_003254395.2_Amel_HAv3.1_protein.faa
- GCF_003254395.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Amel_HAv3.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Amel_HAv3.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Apis mellifera Annotation Release 104
- NCBI Apis mellifera Annotation Release 104 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_003254395.2_Amel_HAv3.1_protein.faa
- GCF_003254395.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Amel_4.5
- athros-(Athalia_rosae)
- Aros_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Aros_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Aros_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- AROS_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- def-45-80-AROS_full
- AROS_readme.txt
- AROS_readme.txt~
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.asn
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.html
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.tsv
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out_goanna_gaf.tsv
- def-annotate_KOBAS_pathways_acc.tsv
- def-annotate_acc_KOBAS_pathways.tsv
- athros_OGS_v1.0
- AROS_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- BCM_version_0.5.3-Primary_Gene_Set
- AROS_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- def-45-80-AROS_full
- AROS_readme.txt
- AROS_readme.txt~
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.asn
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.html
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.tsv
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out_goanna_gaf.tsv
- def-annotate_KOBAS_pathways_acc.tsv
- def-annotate_acc_KOBAS_pathways.tsv
- primary_gene_set
- Cegma.gff.gz
- I5K.gff.gz
- augustus_masked.gff.gz
- blastx_Annelida.gff.gz
- blastx_Arthropoda.gff.gz
- blastx_Atelocerata.gff.gz
- blastx_Cephalochordata.gff.gz
- blastx_Chelicerata.gff.gz
- blastx_Cnidaria.gff.gz
- blastx_Craniata.gff.gz
- blastx_Crustacea.gff.gz
- blastx_Echinodermata.gff.gz
- blastx_Mollusca.gff.gz
- blastx_Nemata.gff.gz
- blastx_Nematomorpha.gff.gz
- blastx_Onychophora.gff.gz
- blastx_Parazoa.gff.gz
- blastx_Placozoa.gff.gz
- blastx_Platyhelminthes.gff.gz
- blastx_Priapulida.gff.gz
- blastx_Tardigrada.gff.gz
- blastx_Tunicata.gff.gz
- blastx_UNCATEGORISED.gff.gz
- est_gff.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Annelida.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Arthropoda.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Atelocerata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Cephalochordata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Chelicerata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Cnidaria.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Craniata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Crustacea.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Echinodermata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Mollusca.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Nemata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Nematomorpha.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Onychophora.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Parazoa.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Placozoa.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Platyhelminthes.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Priapulida.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Tardigrada.gff.gz
- protein2genome_Tunicata.gff.gz
- protein2genome_UNCATEGORISED.gff.gz
- repeatmasker.gff.gz
- repeatrunner.gff.gz
- snap_masked.gff.gz
- AROS_BCM_version_0.5.3_functional_annotation
- BCM_version_0.5.3-Primary_Gene_Set
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- BCM_i5k_pilot
- Adult_Female_alignments
- Adult_Male_alignments
- BCM_i5k_pilot
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyAthRosa1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyAthRosa1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Ensembl Athalia rosae Annotation Release 58
- NCBI Athalia rosae Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Athalia rosae Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_917208135.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_917208135.1_iyAthRosa1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyAthRosa1.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyAthRosa1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyAthRosa1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Ensembl Athalia rosae Annotation Release 58
- NCBI Athalia rosae Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Athalia rosae Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_917208135.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_917208135.1_iyAthRosa1.1_protein.faa
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Aros_2.0
- bacdor-(Bactrocera_dorsalis)
- ASM2337382v1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM2337382v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM2337382v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_023373825.1_ASM2337382v1_protein.faa
- GCF_023373825.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bactrocera dorsalis Bdor_v1 MAKER annotations-BDOR1.1
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM2337382v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM2337382v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_023373825.1_ASM2337382v1_protein.faa
- GCF_023373825.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bactrocera dorsalis Bdor_v1 MAKER annotations-BDOR1.1
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_000789215.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Bdor_v1.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Bdor_v1.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- BDOR_v1
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 102 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000789215.err
- GCF_000789215.gff3
- GCF_000789215.json
- GCF_000789215.tsv
- GCF_000789215.xml
- GCF_000789215_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215_gaf.txt
- GCF_000789215_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000789215.1_ASM78921v2_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_000789215.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- ASM2337382v1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM2337382v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- ASM2337382v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bactrocera dorsalis Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_023373825.1_ASM2337382v1_protein.faa
- GCF_023373825.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bactrocera dorsalis Bdor_v1 MAKER annotations-BDOR1.1
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- ASM2337382v1
- bacole-(Bactrocera_oleae)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- MU_Boleae_v2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- MU_Boleae_v2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_001188975.3_MU_Boleae_v2_protein.faa
- GCF_001188975.3_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001188975.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- gapfilled_joined_lt9474.gt500.covgt10
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- JAMg
- evidence
- Boleae.pasa_assemblies_refseq_ids.gff3.gz
- all.repeats_refseq_ids.gff.gz
- genemark_refseq_ids.gff3.gz
- general.repeats_refseq_ids_NAL_mod_v2.gff3.gz
- golden_transcriptome_refseq_ids.gff3.gz
- mtDNA.tRNA.aragorn_refseq_ids_NAL_mod_v2.gff3.gz
- mtDNA.tRNAScan_refseq_ids_NAL_mod.gff3.gz
- novel.repeats_refseq_ids_NAL_MOD_with_parent_v2.gff3.gz
- protein_domains_uniprot_refseq_ids_match_part.gff3.gz
- simple.repeats_refseq_ids_NAL_mod_with_parents.gff3.gz
- tRNA.tRNAScan_refseq_ids_NAL_mod.gff3.gz
- uniref50_alignments_refseq_ids.gff3.gz
- Boleae2.gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.116290_RefSeq_ids.gff3.gz
- Boleae2.gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.116290_RefSeq_ids_updated.gff3.gz
- Boleae2.gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.116290_RefSeq_ids_updated_cDNA.fna.gz
- Boleae2.gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.116290_RefSeq_ids_updated_proteins.faa.gz
- JAMg_file_descriptions.csv
- readme
- evidence
- JAMg
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100
- ncbi_split_by_type
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_cDNA_match.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_high_quality_protein_coding.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_lncRNA.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_low_quality_protein_coding.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_misc_RNA.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_protein_coding_mtDNA.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_pseudogene.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_rRNA.gff3.gz
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100_tRNA.gff3.gz
- protein.fa
- readme
- ref_gapfilled_joined_lt9474.gt500.covgt10_scaffolds.gff3.gz
- rna.fa.gz
- ncbi_split_by_type
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_001188975.err
- GCF_001188975.gff3
- GCF_001188975.json
- GCF_001188975.tsv
- GCF_001188975.xml
- GCF_001188975_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975_gaf.txt
- GCF_001188975_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001188975.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_001188975.3_MU_Boleae_v2_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- Bactrocera_oleae_Annotation_Release_100
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- MU_Boleae_v2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- MU_Boleae_v2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- MU_Boleae_v2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_001188975.3_MU_Boleae_v2_protein.faa
- GCF_001188975.3_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- MU_Boleae_v2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- MU_Boleae_v2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- MU_Boleae_v2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Bactrocera oleae Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_001188975.3_MU_Boleae_v2_protein.faa
- GCF_001188975.3_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- bemtab-(Bemisia_tabaci)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001854935.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- GCF_001854935.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bemisia tabaci Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_001854935.err
- GCF_001854935.gff3
- GCF_001854935.json
- GCF_001854935.tsv
- GCF_001854935.xml
- GCF_001854935_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_gaf.txt
- GCF_001854935_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935.1_ASM185493v1_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_001854935.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- NCBI_Bemisia_tabaci_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI Bemisia tabaci Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001854935.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_001854935.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- GCF_001854935.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bemisia tabaci Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_001854935.err
- GCF_001854935.gff3
- GCF_001854935.json
- GCF_001854935.tsv
- GCF_001854935.xml
- GCF_001854935_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_gaf.txt
- GCF_001854935_go_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_001854935.1_ASM185493v1_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_001854935.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- NCBI_Bemisia_tabaci_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI Bemisia tabaci Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- blager-(Blattella_germanica)
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- blager_OGS_v1.0
- blager_OGS_v1.0 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.err
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.gff3
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.html.tar.gz
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.json
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.svg.tar.gz
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.tsv
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.xml
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_go_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_gaf.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_go_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_interpro_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_pathway_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- consensus_gene_set
- BGER.Analysis.gff3.gz
- BGER_v0.6.2
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Bger_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Bger_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Bger_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- blager_OGS_v1.0
- blager_OGS_v1.0 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.err
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.gff3
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.html.tar.gz
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.json
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.svg.tar.gz
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.tsv
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep.xml
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_go_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_gaf.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_go_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_interpro_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_pathway_counts.txt
- BGER_OGSv1-0_pep_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- consensus_gene_set
- BGER.Analysis.gff3.gz
- BGER_v0.6.2
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- bomaff-(Bombus_affinis)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomAffi1.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomAffi1.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus affinis Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Bombus affinis Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024516045.err
- GCF_024516045.gff3
- GCF_024516045.json
- GCF_024516045.tsv
- GCF_024516045.xml
- GCF_024516045_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_gaf.txt
- GCF_024516045_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024542735.1_iyBomHunt1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomAffi1.2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomAffi1.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomAffi1.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus affinis Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Bombus affinis Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024516045.err
- GCF_024516045.gff3
- GCF_024516045.json
- GCF_024516045.tsv
- GCF_024516045.xml
- GCF_024516045_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_gaf.txt
- GCF_024516045_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024516045.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024542735.1_iyBomHunt1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- bomhun-(Bombus_huntii)
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomHunt1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomHunt1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus huntii Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Bombus huntii Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024542735.err
- GCF_024542735.gff3
- GCF_024542735.json
- GCF_024542735.tsv
- GCF_024542735.xml
- GCF_024542735_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_gaf.txt
- GCF_024542735_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024542735.1_iyBomHunt1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- README.txt~
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomHunt1.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomHunt1.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomHunt1.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus huntii Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Bombus huntii Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_024542735.err
- GCF_024542735.gff3
- GCF_024542735.json
- GCF_024542735.tsv
- GCF_024542735.xml
- GCF_024542735_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_gaf.txt
- GCF_024542735_go_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_024542735.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_024542735.1_iyBomHunt1.1_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- README.txt~
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- bomimp-(Bombus_impatiens)
- BIMP_2.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BIMP_2.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bombus_impatiens_Annotation_release_102
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000188095.err
- GCF_000188095.gff3
- GCF_000188095.json
- GCF_000188095.tsv
- GCF_000188095.xml
- GCF_000188095_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_gaf.txt
- GCF_000188095_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_000188095.3_BIMP_2.2_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BIMP_2.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000188095.err
- GCF_000188095.gff3
- GCF_000188095.json
- GCF_000188095.tsv
- GCF_000188095.xml
- GCF_000188095_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_gaf.txt
- GCF_000188095_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BIMP_2.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000188095.err
- GCF_000188095.gff3
- GCF_000188095.json
- GCF_000188095.tsv
- GCF_000188095.xml
- GCF_000188095_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_gaf.txt
- GCF_000188095_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BIMP_2.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bombus impatiens Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000188095.err
- GCF_000188095.gff3
- GCF_000188095.json
- GCF_000188095.tsv
- GCF_000188095.xml
- GCF_000188095_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_gaf.txt
- GCF_000188095_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000188095.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BIMP_2.1
- bomter-(Bombus_terrestris)
- Bter_1.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Bter_1.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Bter_1.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- Bombus_terrestris_v1.4
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bombus_terrestris_Annotation_Release_102
- NCBI Bombus terrestris Annotation Release 102 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000214255.err
- GCF_000214255.gff3
- GCF_000214255.json
- GCF_000214255.tsv
- GCF_000214255.xml
- GCF_000214255_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255_gaf.txt
- GCF_000214255_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000214255.1_Bter_1.0_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_000214255.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomTerr1.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomTerr1.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus terrestris Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bombus terrestris Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_910591885.err
- GCF_910591885.gff3
- GCF_910591885.json
- GCF_910591885.tsv
- GCF_910591885.xml
- GCF_910591885_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_gaf.txt
- GCF_910591885_go_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomTerr1.2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- iyBomTerr1.2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- iyBomTerr1.2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Bombus terrestris Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Bombus terrestris Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_910591885.err
- GCF_910591885.gff3
- GCF_910591885.json
- GCF_910591885.tsv
- GCF_910591885.xml
- GCF_910591885_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_gaf.txt
- GCF_910591885_go_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_910591885.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Bter_1.0
- bracop-(Bradysia_coprophila)
- BU_Bcop_v1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BU_Bcop_v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BU_Bcop_v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI_Bradysia_coprophila_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI_Bradysia_coprophila_Annotation_Release_100_functional_annotation
- GOanna
- IPRS_def-45-80-BCOP_full
- GCF_014529535.err
- GCF_014529535.gff3
- GCF_014529535.html.tar.gz
- GCF_014529535.json
- GCF_014529535.svg.tar.gz
- GCF_014529535.tsv
- GCF_014529535.xml
- GCF_014529535_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_gaf.txt
- GCF_014529535_go_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_pathway_counts.txt
- BRACOP_readme.txt
- BRACOP_readme.txt~
- GCF_014529535.1_BU_Bcop_v1_protein.faa.gz
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_README.txt
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_README.txt~
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_evidence.rnd3-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_evidence.rnd3.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_gene_set-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_gene_set.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_masked_genome.rnd3-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_masked_genome.rnd3.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_proteins_with_putative_function.fasta
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_transcripts_with_putative_function.fasta
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BU_Bcop_v1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BU_Bcop_v1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI_Bradysia_coprophila_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI_Bradysia_coprophila_Annotation_Release_100_functional_annotation
- GOanna
- IPRS_def-45-80-BCOP_full
- GCF_014529535.err
- GCF_014529535.gff3
- GCF_014529535.html.tar.gz
- GCF_014529535.json
- GCF_014529535.svg.tar.gz
- GCF_014529535.tsv
- GCF_014529535.xml
- GCF_014529535_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_gaf.txt
- GCF_014529535_go_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_014529535_pathway_counts.txt
- BRACOP_readme.txt
- BRACOP_readme.txt~
- GCF_014529535.1_BU_Bcop_v1_protein.faa.gz
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_README.txt
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_README.txt~
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_evidence.rnd3-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_evidence.rnd3.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_gene_set-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_gene_set.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_masked_genome.rnd3-converted.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_masked_genome.rnd3.gff
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_proteins_with_putative_function.fasta
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0_transcripts_with_putative_function.fasta
- Bradysia_coprophila.Bcop_v1.0
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BU_Bcop_v1
- cataqu-(Catajapyx_aquilonaris)
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- consensus_gene_set
- CAQU.Analysis.gff3.gz
- BCM_version_0.5.3 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- CAQU_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- Caqu_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Caqu_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Caqu_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- CAQU.Models-Caqu_2.0_pep.fa
- GCA_000934665.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Caqu_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Caqu_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Caqu_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- CAQU.Models-Caqu_2.0_pep.fa
- GCA_000934665.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Caqu_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Caqu_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3
- Catajapyx_aquilonaris_Annotation_Release_BCM_0.5.3 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- CAQU.Models-Caqu_2.0_pep.fa
- GCA_000934665.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- censcu-(Centruroides_sculpturatus)
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- consensus_gene_set
- CSCU.Analysis.gff3.gz
- BCM_version_0.5.3 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- CSCU_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- BCM_version_0.5.3
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Cexi_2.0
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Cexi_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Cexi_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Centruroides sculpturatus Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Centruroides sculpturatus Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000671375.1_Cexi_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000671375.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Cexi_2.0
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Cexi_2.0
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- NCBI Centruroides sculpturatus Annotation Release 100
- NCBI Centruroides sculpturatus Annotation Release 100 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000671375.1_Cexi_2.0_protein.faa
- GCF_000671375.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- cepcin-(Cephus_cinctus)
- Ccin1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccin1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Ccin1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- Interproscan
- GCF_000341935.err
- GCF_000341935.gff3
- GCF_000341935.json
- GCF_000341935.tsv
- GCF_000341935.xml
- GCF_000341935_acc_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935_acc_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935_acc_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935_gaf.txt
- GCF_000341935_go_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935_interpro_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935_pathway_counts.txt
- GCF_000341935.1_complete.gaf.tsv
- GCF_000341935.2_Ccin1v2_protein.faa.gz
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccin1v2
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccin1v2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Ccin1v2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000341935.2_Ccin1v2_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_000341935.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccin1v2
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Ccin1v2
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101
- NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000341935.2_Ccin1v2_protein.faa.gz
- GCF_000341935.2_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_000341935.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_000341935.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- GCF_000341935.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100
- NCBI_Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_cDNA_match.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_lncRNA.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_match.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_protein_coding.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_pseudogene.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_rRNA.gff3
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100_consortiumID_tRNA.gff3
- GCF_000341935.1_Ccin1_cds_from_genomic.fna
- GCF_000341935.1_Ccin1_genomic_consortiumID_sorted.gff
- GCF_000341935.1_Ccin1_protein.faa
- GCF_000341935.1_Ccin1_rna_from_genomic.fna
- readme
- NCBI_Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_101
- Cephus_cinctus_Annotation_Release_100
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- ARS-CICGRU_June-2018
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccin1
- cercap-(Ceratitis_capitata)
- Ccap_2.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccap_2.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Ccap_2.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Ceratitis capitata Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Ceratitis capitata Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000347755.3_Ccap_2.1_protein.faa
- GCF_000347755.3_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Current Genome Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccap_2.1
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- Ccap_2.1
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI Ceratitis capitata Annotation Release 103
- NCBI Ceratitis capitata Annotation Release 103 functional annotation
- GOanna
- InterproScan
- GCF_000347755.3_Ccap_2.1_protein.faa
- GCF_000347755.3_complete.gaf.tsv
- README.txt
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 5.Other files
- GC Content
- Gaps in Assembly
- 1.Genome Assembly
- GCF_000347755.1
- 1.Genome Assembly
- BCM-After-Atlas
- Contigs
- Scaffolds
- agp
- BCM-After-Atlas
- 2.Official or Primary Gene Set
- OGSv1
- CCAP_OGSv1_functional_annotation
- def-CCAP_full
- CCAP_readme.txt
- CCAP_readme.txt~
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.asn
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.html
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out.tsv
- GOanna.goanna.exponly.invertb.percentident70_qcov70.ratioqrysublen1.2.out_goanna_gaf.tsv
- def-annotate_KOBAS_pathways_acc.tsv
- def-annotate_acc_KOBAS_pathways.tsv
- readme
- reconsile_OGSs_to_master_OGS_primary.ID.gff3.rewritten.cds
- reconsile_OGSs_to_master_OGS_primary.ID.gff3.rewritten.gene
- reconsile_OGSs_to_master_OGS_primary.ID.gff3.rewritten.gff3
- reconsile_OGSs_to_master_OGS_primary.ID.gff3.rewritten.mRNA
- reconsile_OGSs_to_master_OGS_primary.ID.gff3.rewritten.pep
- CCAP_OGSv1_functional_annotation
- OGSv1
- 3.Additional Gene Sets and Annotation Projects
- NCBI_RefSeq
- original_NCBI_gff3
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_low_quality_protein_coding.cds.fasta.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_low_quality_protein_coding.gff3.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_low_quality_protein_coding.pep.fasta.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_noncoding_RNA.gff3.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_protein_coding.cds.fasta.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_protein_coding.gff3.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_protein_coding.pep.fasta.gz
- Ceratitis_capitata_NCBI_pseudogene.gff3.gz
- Papanicolaou_JAMg_v1
- NCBI_RefSeq
- 4.Transcriptomes and RNA-Seq
- 1.Genome Assembly
- Ccap_2.1
- aettum-(Aethina_tumida)