The i5k Workspace@NAL accepts user-submitted content. Currently, all of our projects and datasets are user-submitted.
- Learn more about the data types we accept, and how to submit them: Data submission overview
- If you'd like to submit data, please contact with the following information:
The genus and species of the organism the data was generated from
For genome assemblies: the NCBI GenBank or RefSeq accession number for the genome assembly. Note that we currently only accept genome assemblies from RefSeq, with exceptions only in rare circumstances.
For genome annotations and mapped datasets: a brief description of the dataset you'd like to submit.
- Mapped RNA-Seq datasets are very useful for manual annotation. If RNA-Seq datasets for your organism are available in an INSDC database, we will map the RNA-Seq for you to include as a track on the genome browser. If you'd rather generate your own, please see our FAQ page about how to map and submit RNA-Seq: FAQ on mapped RNA-Seq
- We now compute functional annotations for all submissions. For more information about the functional annotation pipeline, please refer to the paper ( is external)) or the documentation ( is external)).