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Six new locust genomes available from Ag100Pest - BPRI collaboration

There are six new locust genome assemblies available, from a collaboration between Ag100Pest ( and the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute ( You can learn more about the biology of the locusts, and the process behind generating these high-quality assemblies in spite of their enormous genome size, here:

The i5k Workspace is removing all gene and mRNA pages

The i5k Workspace@NAL team is streamlining services, in order to gain more time to focus on services that i5k Workspace@NAL users actually want and need. A recent evaluation of user needs demonstrated that the i5k Workspace's gene pages do not provide much value. The data represented in these pages are available elsewhere - NCBI's GenBank or RefSeq databases display information at the gene and protein level; the i5k Workspace@NAL and Ag Data Commons provide information at the dataset level. From a technical perspective, the gene pages are challenging and time-consuming to maintain.

[i5k Workspace@NAL Webinar] What's new at the i5k workspace: Apollo2 updates

Dear all,

Save the date. Our next webinar is scheduled for March 29, 2022 at 3:00PM Eastern.

Topics include a brief introduction to the services at the i5k workspace, and then discuss the new features and interfaces in the recently updated Apollo2 software. There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Connection details:

Topic: What's new at the i5k workspace: Apollo2 updates

Time: Mar 29, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)