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Diaphorina citri

Resource Type
Common Name
Asian Citrus Psyllid

Organism information:

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, is a sap-sucking, hemipteran bug in the family, Psyllidae. It is an important pest of citrus, as it is one of only two confirmed vectors of the serious citrus disease, Huanglongbing or greening disease (Lallemand, J., A. Fos, and J. M. Bové. 1986. Transmission de la bacterie associé à la forme africaine de la maladie du “greening” par le psylle asiatique Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. Fruits 41: 341-343.)

It is widely distributed in southern Asia and has spread to other citrus growing regions.

Source: English Wikipedia Species Pages

License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Genome information:

The Diaphorina citri genome is co-hosted at is external). Currently, all manual annotation is conducted there. For more information, go to is external).

Diaphorina citri currently has two assembly versions available at the i5k Workspace@NAL: diaci1.1, which was generated by the Baylor College of Medicine, and NCBI-diaci1.1, which is the NCBI GenBank- and RefSeq-processed version of diaci1.1.

Annotations were computed separately on both assemblies: MAKER2 was run on diaci1.1, and the NCBI Gnomon pipeline was run on NCBI-diaci1.1, which was subsequently added to RefSeq (NCBI Diaphorina citri Annotation Release 100).

The Web Apollo manual curation tool and JBrowse genome browser are available for the NCBI datasets only. Blast is available for both datasets.

Assembly statistics and annotation information below are listed for the most recent datasets: Assembly NCBI-diaci1.1, and NCBI Diaphorina citri Annotation Release 100.

Organism Image
Image Credit
NameProgramDate Constructed
MAKER annotations of Diaphorina citri 1.1 assemblyMAKERSep 5th, 2013
Whole genome assembly of Diaphorina citriVelvet, PBJellySep 5th, 2013
NCBI Diaphorina citri Annotation Release 100NCBI Gnomon pipeline followed by RefSeq processingJul 4th, 2014
Diaphorina citri genome assembly Diaci psyllid genome assembly version 1.1 (GCF_000475195.1)Velvet, PBJelly, followed by NCBI GenBank and RefSeq processingOct 22nd, 2013
Functional annotation of NCBI Diaphorina citri Annotation Release 102AgBase functional annotation pipelineFeb 24th, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
GC Content
Other Information
Community Contact
Wayne Hunter USDA-ARS; Surya Saha, Cornell University