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Aethina tumida

Resource Type
Common Name
Small hive beetle

The small hive beetle is a widespread parasite of honey bee colonies. Originally from southern Africa, this beetle has followed honey bees to several continents and is a nuisance pest throughout much of its introduced range. Genomic and transcriptomic data can lead to basic insights into beetle biology, and to potential methods of control for this parasite.

Genome update. Previously, the i5k Workspace@NAL hosted Aethina tumida genome assembly Atum_1.0 (GCF_001937115.1) and NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 100. The assembly and annotations have been updated to the most recent assembly, GCF_024364675.1, and annotations, NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101.

This genome project is part of the Ag100Pest project (

  1. Evans JD, McKenna D, Scully E, Cook SC, Dainat B, Egekwu N, Grubbs N, Lopez D, Lorenzen MD, Reyna SM, Rinkevich FD, Neumann P, Huang Q. Genome of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a worldwide parasite of social bee colonies, provides insights into detoxification and herbivory.. GigaScience. 2018 12 01; 7(12).
  2. Childers AK, Geib SM, Sim SB, Poelchau MF, Coates BS, Simmonds TJ, Scully ED, Smith TPL, Childers CP, Corpuz RL, Hackett K, Scheffler B. The USDA-ARS Ag100Pest Initiative: High-Quality Genome Assemblies for Agricultural Pest Arthropod Research.. Insects. 2021 Jul 09; 12(7).
Organism Image
Image Credit
James D. Ellis, University of Florida. View Source. CC-BY-3.0-US
NameProgramDate Constructed
Aethina tumida genome assembly Atum_1.0 (GCF_001937115.1)Sparse assembler (ILLUMINA reads) followed by SPARC (error-corrected PacBio reads)Jan 5th, 2017
NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 100NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineJan 18th, 2017
Functional annotation of NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 100AgBase functional annotation pipelineFeb 24th, 2022
Aethina tumida genome assembly icAetTumi1.1 (GCF_024364675.1)HiFiASMJul 22nd, 2022
NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineAug 11th, 2022
Functional annotation of NCBI Aethina tumida Annotation Release 101AgBase functional annotation pipelineSep 20th, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
GC Content
Other Information
Community Contact
Jay D Evans, USDA-ARS