Schistocerca serialis cubense
Resource Type | Organism |
Genus | Schistocerca |
Species | serialis cubense |
Description | This genome project is a joint effort between the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute ( and the Ag100Pest project ( This dataset is not published - please follow Toronto/Ft. Lauderdale conditions of data re-use. |
Publication | Childers AK, Geib SM, Sim SB, Poelchau MF, Coates BS, Simmonds TJ, Scully ED, Smith TPL, Childers CP, Corpuz RL, Hackett K, Scheffler B. The USDA-ARS Ag100Pest Initiative: High-Quality Genome Assemblies for Agricultural Pest Arthropod Research.. Insects. 2021 Jul 09; 12(7). |
Organism Image | |
Image Credit | Schistocerca_serialis_cubense.jpg by Brandon Woo |