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Anastrepha ludens

Resource Type
Common Name
Mexican fruit fly

Most species in the Anastrepha genus including A. ludens have a distinctive yellow and brown coloration of the body and wings. The adult A. ludens is 7–11 mm long, or slightly larger than a common house fly. They have a mesonotum that is 2.75-3.6 mm long and a wing span of 6.6-9.0 mm. Source:

This dataset is not published - please follow Toronto/Ft. Lauderdale conditions of data re-use.

This genome project is part of the Ag100Pest project (

Childers AK, Geib SM, Sim SB, Poelchau MF, Coates BS, Simmonds TJ, Scully ED, Smith TPL, Childers CP, Corpuz RL, Hackett K, Scheffler B. The USDA-ARS Ag100Pest Initiative: High-Quality Genome Assemblies for Agricultural Pest Arthropod Research.. Insects. 2021 Jul 09; 12(7).
Organism Image
Image Credit
Anastrepha ludens, adult female by Sheina B. Sim, USDA-ARS Daniel K. Inouye US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Service Tropical Pest Genetics and Molecular Biology Research Unit under CC-BY-SA license.
NameProgramDate Constructed
Anastrepha ludens genome assembly idAnaLude1.1 (GCF_028408465.1)HiFiASMFeb 6th, 2023
NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineMar 10th, 2023
Functional annotation of NCBI Anastrepha ludens Annotation Release GCF_028408465.1-RS_2023_03AgBase functional annotation pipelineMar 17th, 2023
Assembly Stats
Scaffold N50
GC Content
Other Information
Community Contact
Sheina Sim, USDA-ARS; Scott Geib, USDA-ARS