Vanessa tameamea
Resource Type | Organism |
Genus | Vanessa |
Species | tameamea |
Common Name | Kamehameha butterfly |
Description | Vanessa tameamea is a medium-sized Nymphalid, featuring dark colouration with reddish orange markings. Unusual in the genus is the presence of sexual dimorphism, via a series of three small spots on the anterior forewing. These spots are typically white in females, and orange in males. Visually, this species appears intermediate between the ladies and admirals. The closest morphological relatives are Vanessa indica, and V. samani. Source:
This genome project is part of the Ag100Pest project ( |
Publication | Childers AK, Geib SM, Sim SB, Poelchau MF, Coates BS, Simmonds TJ, Scully ED, Smith TPL, Childers CP, Corpuz RL, Hackett K, Scheffler B. The USDA-ARS Ag100Pest Initiative: High-Quality Genome Assemblies for Agricultural Pest Arthropod Research.. Insects. 2021 Jul 09; 12(7). |
Organism Image | ![]() |
Image Credit | Kamehameha butterfly, Vanessa tameamea, Hilo, Hawaii by Shea B. Sim, USDA-ARS licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. |