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Development of RNAi Methods for the Mormon Cricket, Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).

Publication Type
Journal Article

Mormon crickets are a major rangeland pest in the western United States and are currently managed by targeted applications of non-specific chemical insecticides, which can potentially have negative effects on the environment. In this study, we took the first steps toward developing RNAi methods for Mormon crickets as a potential alternative to traditional broad-spectrum insecticides. To design an effective RNAi-based insecticide, we first generated a de novo transcriptome for the Mormon cricket and developed dsRNAs that could silence the expression of seven housekeeping genes. We then characterized the RNAi efficiencies and time-course of knockdown using these dsRNAs, and assessed their ability to induce mortality. We have demonstrated that it is possible to elicit RNAi responses in the Mormon cricket by injection, but knockdown efficiencies and the time course of RNAi response varied according to target genes and tissue types. We also show that one of the reasons for the poor knockdown efficiencies could be the presence of dsRNA-degrading enzymes in the hemolymph. RNAi silencing is possible in Mormon cricket, but more work needs to be done before it can be effectively used as a population management method.

Hoang T, Foquet B, Rana S, Little DW, Woller DA, Sword GA, Song H. Development of RNAi Methods for the Mormon Cricket, Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).. Insects. 2022 Aug 17; 13(8).
Publication Date
2022 Aug 17
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