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Dufourea novaeangliae

Resource Type

Dufourea novaeangliae is a solitary ground-nesting bee that lives in the eastern U.S. The range of these bees is presumably limited by the availability of its only known pollen source, the pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata). This is an aquatic freshwater plant, and thus D. novaeangliae nests are often found in sandy soil near ponds and streams [1]. Most female D. novaeangliae build a single nest in a season, with the offspring over-wintering as prepupae in a cocoon [2]. In the spring, males emerge approximately one week prior to females [2], and they patrol pickerel weed flowers or nesting aggregations for receptive females to mate with [1].

D. novaeangliae is in the subfamily Rophitinae of the family Halictidae [3]. They are thus basal to the sweat bees of the family Halictinae [3,4]. Most species in this subfamily specialize on one or a few host plants, with closely related species of Dufourea sometimes specializing on distantly related plants [4].

1. Kukuk PF, Eickwort GC, Wesley FR: Mate-Seeking Behavior of Dufourea novaeangliae (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Dufoureinae): The Effects of Resource Distribution. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 1985, 58:142-150.
2. Eickwort GC, Kukuk PF, Wesley FR: The Nesting Biology of Dufourea novaeangliae (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) and the Systematic Position of the Dufoureinae Based on Behavior and Development. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 1986, 59:103-120.
3. Danforth BN, Eardley C, Packer L, Walker K, Pauly A, Randrianambinintsoa FJ: Phylogeny of Halictidae with an emphasis on endemic African Halictinae. Apidologie 2008, 39:86-101.
4. Patiny S, Michez D, Danforth BN: Phylogenetic relationships and host-plant evolution within the basal clade of Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Cladistics 2008, 24:255-269.

Kapheim KM, Pan H, Li C, Salzberg SL, Puiu D, Magoc T, Robertson HM, Hudson ME, Venkat A, Fischman BJ, Hernandez A, Yandell M, Ence D, Holt C, Yocum GD, Kemp WP, Bosch J, Waterhouse RM, Zdobnov EM, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Helbing S, Moritz RF, Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MA, Hauser F, Grimmelikhuijzen CJ, Pinheiro DG, Nunes FM, Soares MP, Tanaka ÉD, Simões ZL, Hartfelder K, Evans JD, Barribeau SM, Johnson RM, Massey JH, Southey BR, Hasselmann M, Hamacher D, Biewer M, Kent CF, Zayed A, Blatti C, Sinha S, Johnston JS, Hanrahan SJ, Kocher SD, Wang J, Robinson GE, Zhang G. Social evolution. Genomic signatures of evolutionary transitions from solitary to group living.. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2015 Jun 05; 348(6239):1139-43.
Organism Image
Image Credit
© Copyright Micheal Veit 2010, View Source View copyright
NameProgramDate Constructed
Dufourea novaeangliae genome assembly ASM127255v1SOAPdenovoAug 21st, 2015
Dufourea novaeangliae NCBI Annotation Release 100NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineFeb 9th, 2016
Dufourea novaeangliae Annotations v1.1Augustus, GlimmerHMM, SNAP, TBLASTN, GLEANJun 2nd, 2016
Functional annotation of NCBI Dufourea novaeangliae Annotation Release 100AgBase functional annotation pipelineMar 11th, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
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Community Contact
Karen M. Kapheim, Utah State University; Hailin Pan, China National GeneBank