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Osmia lignaria

Resource Type
Common Name
Orchard mason bee

Osmia lignaria, commonly known as the orchard mason bee or blue orchard bee, is a megachilid bee that makes nests in reeds and natural holes, creating individual cells for its brood that are separated by mud dividers. Unlike carpenter bees, it cannot drill holes in wood. O. lignaria is a common species used for early spring fruit bloom in Canada and the United States, though a number of other Osmia species are cultured for use in pollination.

This dataset is not published - please follow Toronto/Ft. Lauderdale conditions of data re-use.

Text credit:

Organism Image
Image Credit
By Sam Droege- Osmia lignaria, M, Face, VA, Virginia Beach City_2014-04-13-15.42.51 ZS PMax, Public Domain, Link
NameProgramDate Constructed
Osmia lignaria genome assembly USDA_OLig_1.0 (GCF_012274295.1)SMRT LinkApr 13th, 2020
NCBI Osmia lignaria Annotation Release 100NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineMay 13th, 2020
Functional annotation of NCBI Osmia lignaria Annotation Release 100AgBase functional annotation pipelineMay 2nd, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
GC Content
Other Information
Community Contact
Julia Bowsher, North Dakota State University