Whole genome assembly of Drosophila biarmipes provided by the Baylor College of Medicine
Resource Type | Genome Assembly |
Name | Whole genome assembly of Drosophila biarmipes provided by the Baylor College of Medicine |
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name | Baylor College of Medicine genome assembly pipeline |
Program Version | NA |
Data Source |
Organism | |
Description | From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/AFFD00000000.2/: This is an upgrade of the Dbia_1.0 assembly using illumina reads to fix indels and other improvements using BWA, samtools etc. Not a traditional assembler. Assembly Method: Celera Assembler v. 6.1; BWA v. 0.6.0; Samtools v. 0.1.14; GATK v. 1.1-9; Indel_call_and_upgrade.pl v. 1.0 Assembly Name: Dbia_2.0 Genome Coverage: 186.9x Sequencing Technology: llumina; 454 |