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BCM annotation of the Eurytemora affinis assembly using Maker and additional analyses

Resource Type
Genome Annotation
BCM annotation of the Eurytemora affinis assembly using Maker and additional analyses
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Program Version
Data Source
Eyun SI, Soh HY, Posavi M, Munro JB, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Qu J, Dugan S, Lee SL, Chao H, Dinh H, Han Y, Doddapaneni H, Worley KC, Muzny DM, Park EO, Silva JC, Gibbs RA, Richards S, Lee CE. Evolutionary History of Chemosensory-Related Gene Families across the Arthropoda.. Molecular biology and evolution. 2017 08 01; 34(8):1838-1862.

NOTE: This gene set is an unstable pre-release (v0.5.3), and is provided to facilitate manual curation and analyses before the official gene set is released. We do not intend to maintain gene identifiers from this gene set.

RNA-Seq data was used with additional protein homology data for a MAKER automated annotation of the new genomes.