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Mayetiola destructor official gene set (OGS1.0)

Resource Type
Genome Annotation
Mayetiola destructor official gene set (OGS1.0)
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Maker 2.22 and manual curation
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: Mdes_1.0

Maker version 2.22 was trained with the CEGMA gene set, M.des cufflinks output from Baylor, M. des ESTs from NCBI and protein homology from fruit fly, mosquito, honey bee and Tribolium from NCBI. Maker output was used to train Augustus and SNAP in two interations. The resulting output was validated by blast comparison with a clade specific gene set from orthoDB. 92% of the clade specific gene set produced hits. To produce an official gene set, the maker output was manually curated by the community using Apollo. The Official Gene Set was submitted to NCBI.