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Mamestra configurata genome assembly ASM219265v1 (GCA_002192655.1)

Resource Type
Genome Assembly
Mamestra configurata genome assembly ASM219265v1 (GCA_002192655.1)
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Program Version
SOAPdenovo2 version 2.3
Data Source
Source Name
: SAMN06637963
Source URI

DNA extracted from 3 male siblings from a long-established (> 35 years in culture), highly inbred laboratory colony was used to generate 6 Illumina paired-end gDNA libraries (insert sizes ranging from 300bp to 10kb) and 4 Roche 454 paired-end gDNA libraries (insert sizes ranging from 15-40 kb). These libraries were sequenced at the National Research Council, Plant Biotechnology Institute (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) by Illumina HiSeq or Roche 454 FLX-titanium pyrosequencing, respectively. All reads were trimmed for adapters and quality, and duplicate reads and orphaned reads were removed using Trimmomatic-0.30. Mitochondrial DNA reads and PhiX reads were identified and removed by mapping all reads to the Spodoptera litura mitochondrial genome (NC_022676.1) and the PhiX genome (NC_001422.1), respectively, using the CLC genomics workbench, and error correction using SOAPec was applied to all remaining reads. Assembly was done using SOAPdenovo2, with a kmer of 63 for contig assembly and 47 for scaffold assembly. Gaps between contigs were filled or partially filled by running two iterations of GapCloser on the assembled scaffolds. Small scaffolds which were >95% identical to portions of larger scaffolds were removed using the CLC genomics workbench 9.0.1. Scaffolds less than 500 bp long were removed.

Cross Reference
NCBI AssemblyLoading content