Bombus impatiens annotations bimp_OGSv1.1
Resource Type | Genome Annotation |
Name | Bombus impatiens annotations bimp_OGSv1.1 |
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name | Augustus, GlimmerHMM, SNAP, TBLASTN, GLEAN |
Program Version | NA |
Data Source |
Organism | |
Publication | Kapheim KM, Pan H, Li C, Salzberg SL, Puiu D, Magoc T, Robertson HM, Hudson ME, Venkat A, Fischman BJ, Hernandez A, Yandell M, Ence D, Holt C, Yocum GD, Kemp WP, Bosch J, Waterhouse RM, Zdobnov EM, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Helbing S, Moritz RF, Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MA, Hauser F, Grimmelikhuijzen CJ, Pinheiro DG, Nunes FM, Soares MP, Tanaka ÉD, Simões ZL, Hartfelder K, Evans JD, Barribeau SM, Johnson RM, Massey JH, Southey BR, Hasselmann M, Hamacher D, Biewer M, Kent CF, Zayed A, Blatti C, Sinha S, Johnston JS, Hanrahan SJ, Kocher SD, Wang J, Robinson GE, Zhang G. Social evolution. Genomic signatures of evolutionary transitions from solitary to group living.. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2015 Jun 05; 348(6239):1139-43. |
Description | Details of the annotations are available from the following publication: Bombus impatiens annotations bimp_OGSv1.1 are derived from Bombus terrestris annotations bimp_OGSv1.0 ( bimp_OGSv1.0 was updated to genome coordinates from assembly GCF_000188095.2. |