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Hyalella azteca annotations OGSv1.2

Resource Type
Genome Annotation
Hyalella azteca annotations OGSv1.2
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
remap-gff3; NCBI QC
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: Hyalella azteca genome assembly Hazt_2.0.1 (GCA_000764305.3)
Source URI
Poynton HC, Hasenbein S, Benoit JB, Sepulveda MS, Poelchau MF, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Chen S, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Werren JH, Vineis JH, Bowen JL, Friedrich M, Jones J, Robertson HM, Feyereisen R, Mechler-Hickson A, Mathers N, Lee CE, Colbourne JK, Biales A, Johnston JS, Wellborn GA, Rosendale AJ, Cridge AG, Munoz-Torres MC, Bain PA, Manny AR, Major KM, Lambert FN, Vulpe CD, Tuck P, Blalock BJ, Lin YY, Smith ME, Ochoa-Acuña H, Chen MM, Childers CP, Qu J, Dugan S, Lee SL, Chao H, Dinh H, Han Y, Doddapaneni H, Worley KC, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. The Toxicogenome of Hyalella azteca: A Model for Sediment Ecotoxicology and Evolutionary Toxicology.. Environmental science & technology. 2018 05 15; 52(10):6009-6022.

The Hyalella azteca Official Gene Set v1.0, originally generated from assembly Hyalella azteca Genome Assembly 1.0 (10.15482/USDA.ADC/1415994) was lifted over to Hazt_2.0 using the NCBI's remap service, the CrossMap software (, and remap_gff3 ( This resulted in the unreleased OGSv1.1. OGSv1.1 received additional QA/QC during NCBI submission, generating Hyalella azteca OGSv1.2.

Protein pages for the Official Gene Set can be accessed at NCBI:

The full dataset (OGSv1.0) is accessible at the Ag Data Commons: