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Cephus cinctus

Resource Type
Common Name
Wheat stem sawfly

Cephus cinctus, also known as wheat stem sawfly, is a slow flying, yellow and black colored, destructive pest found mainly in western North America. The adult fly grows to a length of 7 to 12 mm. Males are considerably smaller than females. However, they are delicate and short lived. The species has a wide host range that includes all large-stemmed grasses except oats, Avena sativa L. It is known as a chronic pest in Northern Great Plains of the United States and also an important pest of wheat in the Canadian Prairies. The species is distributed widely in various regions of the USA and Canada.

(Text(link is external) from Wikipedia(link is external), the free encyclopedia.)

Genome update. Previously, the i5k Workspace@NAL hosted Cephus cinctus genome assembly Ccin1 (GCF_000341935.1), NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101, and Functional annotation of NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101. The assembly and annotations have been updated to the most recent assembly, Cephus cinctus genome assembly Ccin1v2 (GCF_000341935.2) ( is external)), NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101 ( is external)), and Functional annotation of NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101 (

Robertson HM, Waterhouse RM, Walden KKO, Ruzzante L, Reijnders MJMF, Coates BS, Legeai F, Gress JC, Biyiklioglu S, Weaver DK, Wanner KW, Budak H. Genome Sequence of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus, Representing an Early-Branching Lineage of the Hymenoptera, Illuminates Evolution of Hymenopteran Chemoreceptors.. Genome biology and evolution. 2018 11 01; 10(11):2997-3011.
Organism Image
Image Credit
Pest and Diseases Image Library, View Source.(link is external) CC-BY-NC(link is external)
NameProgramDate Constructed
Cephus cinctus genome assembly Ccin1 (GCF_000341935.1)SOAPdenovoJul 9th, 2014
Cephus cinctus Transposable ElementsREPETJun 25th, 2018
NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineMay 16th, 2018
Cephus cinctus annotations cepcin_OGSv1.0GFF3toolkitOct 15th, 2018
Cephus cinctus annotations cepcin_OGSv1.1GFF3toolkitMay 15th, 2020
Functional annotation of NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101AgBase functional annotation pipelineFeb 24th, 2022
Cephus cinctus genome assembly Ccin1v2 (GCF_000341935.2)SOAPdenovoJul 9th, 2014
Cephus cinctus annotations cepcin_OGSv1.2GFF3toolkitMay 15th, 2020
Assembly Stats
Scaffold N50
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I5k Workspace, USDA-ARS