Nicrophorus vespilloides
Resource Type | Organism |
Genus | Nicrophorus |
Species | vespilloides |
Common Name | Common Sexton Beetle |
Description | The burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides has been used as a model to understand the evolution of many complex social behaviors; such as, parental care, sibling-sibling conflict, parent-offspring conflict, mating conflict, and the genetic architecture of these behaviors. In recent years several laboratories have started to make N. vespilloides a molecular tractable organism. This page contains several genetic and genomic resources for N. vespilloides as well as curation tools to help the N. vespilloides research community coordinate efforts to improve these resources. Image credit: |
Publication | Cunningham CB, Ji L, Wiberg RA, Shelton J, McKinney EC, Parker DJ, Meagher RB, Benowitz KM, Roy-Zokan EM, Ritchie MG, Brown SJ, Schmitz RJ, Moore AJ. The Genome and Methylome of a Beetle with Complex Social Behavior, Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae).. Genome biology and evolution. 2015 Oct 09; 7(12):3383-96. |
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