Our next i5k Workspace webinar will be September 20th at 1 pm MST. This webinar is our regular training for anyone who wants to learn more in-depth annotation techniques with Apollo.
The webinar will last one hour and will cover:
- Adding and removing exons;
- Merging and splitting gene models;
- Adjusting UTRs;
- Adding isoforms based on RNA-Seq evidence;
- Changing the sequence start, stop, and open reading frame;
- Working with splice sites;
- Genome sequence alterations;
- Adding non-coding features.
Click this link to view the event in your time zone:https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=i5k+workspace+webinar&iso=20220920T13&p1=1947&ah=1
Monica and the i5k Workspace team
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