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i5k Workspace@NAL metrics

I5k Workspace metrics table
Metric Name Oct-Dec 2023 Jan-Mar 2024 Apr-Jun 2024 Jul-Sep 2024 Oct-Dec 2024
Number of publications citing the i5k Workspace@NAL 114 116 122 123 124
Number of registered users 533 510 526 519 491
Number of approved Apollo registrations in the reporting period 17 22 10 0 13
Number of users in the reporting period 400 1,834 6,100 13,095 16,365
Number of pageviews in the reporting period 116,617 83,403 129,060 106,262 115,652
Number of annotations created in the reporting period 415 168 489 816 846
Number of active annotators in the reporting period 18 12 25 6 8
Number of organisms hosted 109 111 113 114 115
Number of new datasets hosted in the reporting period 11 118 33 8 14