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Odontomachus brunneus

Resource Type
Common Name
Trap-jaw ant

Ants of the genus Odontomachus are commonly called trap-jaw ants, due to the large, straight mandibles, which can be opened to 180 degrees and snapped shut on prey. They tend to be pretty timid for the most part, only accepting prey it can 100% take down, while other ants such as Solenopsis will attack anything that moves. When sensory hairs on the inside of the mandibles are touched, the trap jaw is triggered. The mandibles also permit slow and fine movements for other tasks such as nest building and care of larvae. Odontomachus brunneus ants have a particular seasonal breeding cycle, where offspring are produced during the first six months of the year and none are created in the later six months. Foraging is often slow during the breeding period due to the amount of Odontomachus brunneus ants reproducing, but is doubled by the time the breeding period comes to an end.

This dataset is not published - please follow Toronto/Ft. Lauderdale conditions of data re-use.

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Organism Image
Image Credit
By Nathan Burkett-Cadena- Own work Satsuma, AL, USA, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
NameProgramDate Constructed
Odontomachus brunneus genome assembly Obru_v1 (GCF_010583005.1)SOAPdenovoFeb 13th, 2020
NCBI Odontomachus brunneus Annotation Release 100NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineMar 14th, 2020
Functional annotation of NCBI Odontomachus brunneus Annotation Release 100AgBase functional annotation pipelineApr 29th, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
GC Content
Other Information
Community Contact
Elizabeth Cash, University of California Berkeley