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Drosophila takahashii

Resource Type

Drosophila takahashii is a species of flies in the family vinegar flies. They are diurnal.


Genome update. Previously, the i5k Workspace@NAL hosted Drosophila takahashii genome assembly Dtak_2.0 (GCF_000224235.1), NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 101, and Annotation v0.5.3 of the Drosophila takahashii assembly using Maker (Baylor College of Medicine) as part of the Drosophila modENCODE project. The assembly and annotations have been updated to the most recent assembly, GCF_018152695.1 (, and annotations, NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 102 (

Organism Image
Image Credit
NameProgramDate Constructed
Whole Genome Assembly of Drosophila takahashii provided by the Baylor College of MedicineBaylor College of Medicine genome assembly pipelineJul 30th, 2013
Annotation v0.5.3 of the Drosophila takahashii assembly using Maker (Baylor College of Medicine)MakerFeb 12th, 2014
Drosophila takahashii genome assembly Dtak_2.0 (GCF_000224235.1)Celera Assembler v. 6.1; BWA v. 0.6.0; Samtools v. 0.1.14; GATK v. 1.1-9; v. 1.0Mar 4th, 2013
NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 101NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineMar 6th, 2018
Drosophila takahashii genome assembly ASM1815269v1 (GCF_018152695.1)Flye v. 2.6; Racon v. 1.4.12; Medaka v. 0.9.1; Pilon v. 1.23Apr 28th, 2021
NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 102NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation PipelineOct 18th, 2021
Functional annotation of NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 102AgBase functional annotation pipelineFeb 5th, 2022
Assembly Stats
Contig N50
Scaffold N50
GC Content