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Whole Genome Assembly of Drosophila takahashii provided by the Baylor College of Medicine

Resource Type
Genome Assembly
Whole Genome Assembly of Drosophila takahashii provided by the Baylor College of Medicine
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Baylor College of Medicine genome assembly pipeline
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: SAMN00715130
Source URI


This is an upgrade of the Dtak_1.0 assembly using illumina reads to fix indels and other improvements using BWA, samtools etc. Not a traditional assembler.

Assembly Method:

Celera Assembler v. 6.1; BWA v. 0.6.0; Samtools v. 0.1.14; GATK v. 1.1-9; v. 1.0

Assembly Name: Dtak_2.0

Genome Coverage: 242.1x

Sequencing Technology: 454; Illumina GAIIx

Cross Reference
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