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Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, a global pest of cotton.

Publication Type
Journal Article

The pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a major global pest of cotton. Current management practices include chemical insecticides, cultural strategies, sterile insect releases, and transgenic cotton producing crystalline (Cry) protein toxins of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). These strategies have contributed to eradication of P. gossypiella from the cotton growing areas of the United States and northern Mexico. However, this pest has evolved resistance to Bt cotton in Asia, where it remains a critical pest, and the benefits of using transgenic Bt crops have been lost. A complete annotated reference genome is needed to improve global Bt resistance management of the pink bollworm. We generated the first chromosome-level genome assembly for pink bollworm from a Bt-susceptible laboratory strain (APHIS-S) using PacBio continuous long reads for contig generation, Illumina Hi-C for scaffolding, and Illumina whole-genome re-sequencing for error-correction. The psuedohaploid assembly consists of 29 autosomes and the Z sex chromosome. The assembly exceeds the minimum Earth BioGenome Project quality standards, has a low error-rate, is highly contiguous at both the contig and scaffold level (L/N50 of 18/8.26 MB and 14/16.44 MB, respectively), and complete, with 98.6% of lepidopteran single-copy orthologs represented without duplication. The genome was annotated with 50% repeat content and 14,107 protein-coding genes, further assigned to 41,666 functional annotations. This assembly represents the first publicly available complete annotated genome of pink bollworm and will serve as the foundation for advancing molecular genetics of this important pest species.

Stahlke AR, Chang J, Chudalayandi S, Heu CC, Geib SM, Scheffler BE, Childers AK, Fabrick JA. Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, a global pest of cotton.. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 2023 Feb 15.
Publication Date
2023 Feb 15
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