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Athalia rosae genome assembly iyAthRosa1.1 (GCF_917208135.1)

Resource Type
Genome Assembly
Athalia rosae genome assembly iyAthRosa1.1 (GCF_917208135.1)
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Hifiasm, purge_dups, FreeBayes, LongRanger, SALSA2, MitoHifi, gEVAL
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: BioSample ID SAMEA7520481
Source URI
Crowley LM, Broad GR, University of Oxford and Wytham Woods Genome Acquisition Lab, Natural History Museum Genome Acquisition Lab, Darwin Tree of Life Barcoding collective, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life programme, Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: DNA Pipelines collective, Tree of Life Core Informatics collective, Green A, Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. The genome sequence of the Turnip Sawfly, Athalia rosae (Linnaeus, 1758).. Wellcome open research. 2023; 8:87.
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