Anabrus simplex
Resource Type | Organism |
Genus | Anabrus |
Species | simplex |
Common Name | Mormon cricket |
Description | The Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex) is a large insect native to western North America in rangelands dominated by sagebrush and forbs. Anabrus is a genus in the shield-backed katydid subfamily in the Tettigoniidae family, commonly called katydids, bush crickets, and previously "long-horned grasshoppers." Its common name, "Mormon cricket," is a misnomer: true crickets are of the family Gryllidae. Source: This dataset is not published - please follow Toronto/Ft. Lauderdale conditions of data re-use. This genome project is part of the Ag100Pest project ( |
Publication |
Organism Image | ![]() |
Image Credit | Mormon cricket cannibalism by Hojun Song licensed under a CC-BY-SA license. |