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Bactrocera dorsalis genome assembly Bdor_v1

Resource Type
Genome Assembly
Bactrocera dorsalis genome assembly Bdor_v1
Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name
Program Version
Data Source
Source Name
: SAMN02203716
Source URI

Geographical location of specimen collection: USDA-ARS mass rearing colony, Hilo HI. Colony originated from Puna district, Hawaii County, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
Tissues included: Whole pooled larvae
Sex: pooled
Strain: Punador
NCBI SRA accession #(s): SRX306445. SRX306441, SRX306440, SRX306438, SRX306436
Sequencing platform and version: 454 Titanium (Shotgun, 8 kb and 20kb libraries), Illumina GAIIx (2x100 PE, 3kb MP)
Data source URL:

Cross Reference
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