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Image Permissions for i5k Workspace

Please download the pdf file, sign it, and return to Download

Image Permissions for i5k Workspace

Please download the pdf file, sign it, and return to Download

Registration for the Arthropod Genomics Symposium is now open

The i5k Workspace will participate in the 10th Arthropod Genomics Symposium and Arthropod Bioinformatics Workshop. This will be a great opportunity for new or potential i5k Workspace users to become familiar with the services that we offer. The Symposium and workshop will be held from June 7 - June 11, 2017, at the University of Notre Dame.

Come visit us at the International Congress of Entomology XXV (ICE 2016)

We will be at the International Congress of Entomology XXV (ICE 2016) next week, to help promote the i5k Workspace@NAL, the upcoming i5k webinar series and and the larger i5k initiative. You can also learn more at The i5k Workspace@NAL is presenting poster #D3385, and representatives from the i5k initiative will be at booth 320.

Amyelois transitella, Microplitis demolitor, and Tribolium castaneum genomes are available

There are three new genomes available at the i5k Workspace: the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, the parasitoid wasp Microplitis demolitor, and the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum.
All genomes are open for manual curation. As always, you can register to be put in contact with the genome project’s community contact.

The Habropoda laboriosa and Neodiprion lecontei genomes are now available

There are two new genomes available at the i5k Workspace: the Southeastern blueberry bee, Habropoda laboriosa, and the redheaded pine sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei.

Both genomes are open for manual curation. As always, you can register to be put in contact with the genome project’s community contact.

Thank you to our newest data providers!

The i5k Workspace@NAL v2.0 is now available with a new design

We are pleased to release the i5k Workspace, version 2.0! This newest release features a fully updated user-interface that we designed for easier navigation for new and recurrent users. If you have bookmarked your favorite links within the i5k Workspace - all of our tools and pages are still available under the same URLs. We hope that you enjoy the new interface, and as always welcome your feedback and suggestions!