- Facilitating data re-use for genome-enabled communities at the Biodiversity Genomics 2020 virtual meeting, October 9th, 2020
- Naming guidelines at the Athropod Genomics Symposium pre-symposium workshop at Kansas State University, June 12th, 2019
- Apollo workshop at the Athropod Bioinformatics Workshop at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, June 7th, 2018
- i5k Workspace@NAL workshop at the Athropod Bioinformatics Workshop at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, June 7th, 2018
- Monica's talk at the Entomological Society of America 2017 Meeting in Denver, CO, November 8th 2017
- Chris and Monica's workshop at the Athropod Bioinformatics Workshop at Notre Dame University, June 8th 2017
- Monica's talk at the Athropod Bioinformatics Workshop at Notre Dame University, June 7th 2017
- Chris childers gave a talk at the Tripal workshop at PAG 2017: Slides (pdf)
- Monica's talk with Moni Munoz-Torres at the 9th Workshop of the International Aphid Genomics Consortium (IAGC) 2016, September 25 2016
- Chris Childers gave a talk at the PAG 2015 Tripal workshop: Slides (pptx)
- Monica Poelchau gave a talk at the Arthropod Genomics Research in ARS meeting in Beltsville, MD, September 2014: Slides (pptx)
- Monica Poelchau gave a talk at the Arthropod Genomics Symposium at Notre Dame University, June 12-14th, 2014: Slides (pptx)
- i5k Workspace poster at the Athropod Genomics Symposium at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2018
- Monica's poster from the International Society for Biocuration Meeting 2017
- Monica's poster from the International Congress of Entomology Meeting, September 2016
- Our poster on the i5k Workspace at the Plant and Animal Genomes meeting, January 2016: i5k Workspace poster - PAG 2016
- Monica Poelchau's poster on the i5k Workspace at the Plant and Animal Genomes meeting, January 2015: i5k Workspace poster - PAG 2015
- Naming and BLAST use for manual annotation on September 19th, 2023: Slides (pdf)
- Apollo training for the Behavioral Plasticity Research Initiative on March 30th, 2023: Slides (pdf)
- Using the i5k Workspace functional annotations to aid manual curation on December 13th, 2022: Slides (pdf)
- In-depth annotation techniques with Apollo2 on September 20th, 2022: Slides (pdf)
- Changes to gene and protein data access on July 19th, 2022: Slides (pdf)
- What's new with Apollo2 on March 29th, 2022: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on November 24th, 2021: Slides (pdf)
- New and upcoming features and datasets at the i5k Workspace@NAL on May 25th, 2021: Slides (pdf)
- Editing annotation structures within Apollo2 on February 16th, 2021: Slides (pdf)
- Facilitating data re-use and gene nomenclature on November 17th, 2020: Slides (pdf)
- Editing annotation structures within Apollo2 on August 18th, 2020: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on June 6th, 2020: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on April 21st, 2020: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on February 18, 2020: Slides (pptx)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on December 17th, 2019: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on October 29th, 2019: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on August 20th, 2019: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on June 4th, 2019: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on April 16th, 2019: Slides (pdf)
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on February 19th, 2019: Slides (pdf).
- Webinar on using the Apollo2 manual annotation tool on November 20th, 2018: Slides (pdf). A recording is available on request.
- Our webinar on recommendations for genome project data management on July 3rd, 2018: Slides (pdf). A recording is available on request.
- Our webinar on using the Apollo manual annotation tool on April 24th, 2018: Slides (pdf)
- Our webinar on using the Apollo manual annotation tool on December 19th, 2017: Slides (pdf)
- Chris and Monica gave a talk for the i5k webinar series: Slides (pdf)
- Monica's webinar on using the Apollo manual annotation tool on August 29th, 2017: Slides (pdf)
- Chris Childers gave an introduction to the Workspace and resources on July 14, 2017: Slides (pdf)
- Training for the Eurytemora affinis group, September 2016
- Training for the Eurytemora affinis group, July 2016