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About us

About the i5k Workspace@NAL

The i5k Workspace@NAL is a platform for communities around ‘orphaned’ arthropod genome projects to access, visualize, curate and disseminate their data.


About the i5k initiative

The i5k initiative is a transformative project that aims to sequence and analyze the genomes of 5,000 arthropod species. The National Agricultural Library has partnered with the i5k initiative to create the i5k Workspace@NAL, which serves any ‘orphaned’ arthropod genome project's hosting needs. For more information about the i5k initiative, read the paper(link is external) and visit the website(link is external).


About the i5k Workspace@NAL working group

The i5k Workspace@NAL working group comprises a diverse set of stakeholders from the insect genomics community and beyond. The working group provides guidance on the i5k Workspace program and stakeholder needs. More information about the working group is available on the working group page.


About the Knowledge Services Division of the National Agricultural Library

The i5k Workspace@NAL is developed and maintained by the Knowledge Services Division of the National Agricultural Library. The mission of the Knowledge Services Division is to 1) advance knowledge discovery in agricultural sciences through the acquisition, preservation, and description of scientific datasets made accessible through the development of data management and visualization tools; and 2) to translate science discoveries for the understanding of audiences beyond the science and policy communities.


How to cite us

If you use the i5k Workspace@NAL for your research, we would appreciate it if you cited our resources in any resulting publications:

Poelchau, Monica, et al. "The i5k Workspace@ NAL—enabling genomic data access, visualization and curation of arthropod genomes." Nucleic acids research 43.D1 (2015): D714-D719.



We use Icons8(link is external) and Font Awesome(link is external) for our website icons.

Who we are

Chris Childers

i5k Workspace@NAL leadership team

Monica Poelchau

i5k Workspace@NAL leadership team

Vern Chapman

i5k Workspace@NAL leadership team (lead developer)

Sean Buehler


Amanda Cooksey

Data curator

Kim Vertacnik

Bioinformatician and data curator

Past members

Maggie Chan

Szu-Ping Chen

Salima Chang

Ming Chan

Zhi-Xuan (Tina) Lai

Chin (Debbie) Dai


Susan McCarthy

Knowledge Services Division Associate Director

Surya Saha

Cooperator (Research Computing Specialist, Principal)

Shang-Yu Chiang


Hsiu-Kang Huang


Chia-Tung Wu


Min-Chen Hsu


Chun-Hung Lin


Yi Hsiao


LiMei Chiang


Chaitanya Gutta


Gary Moore


Chien-Yueh Lee

NTU Graduate Student Intern

Mei-Ju Chen

NTU Postdoctoral Student

Fish Lin

National Taiwan University graduate student employee

Joseph Suriol

Python Developer

Vijaya Tsavatapalli

Drupal Developer

Qing Qu

UI Designer

Jun-Wei Lin

NTU Graduate Student Intern

Han Lin

NTU Graduate Student Intern