About the i5k Workspace@NAL
The i5k Workspace@NAL is a platform for communities around ‘orphaned’ arthropod genome projects to access, visualize, curate and disseminate their data.
- If you would like for us to host your genome project, please visit our Project and Data submission page, and then contact us to get started.
- For more background information, read our paper(link is external) on the i5k Workspace, view our posters and talks, and read our 5-year plan (2018-2023).
- Find our software projects on github(link is external).
- View the i5k Workspace quarterly metrics
- Learn more about our data management policy
- Learn more about our long-term project management policy
About the i5k initiative
The i5k initiative is a transformative project that aims to sequence and analyze the genomes of 5,000 arthropod species. The National Agricultural Library has partnered with the i5k initiative to create the i5k Workspace@NAL, which serves any ‘orphaned’ arthropod genome project's hosting needs. For more information about the i5k initiative, read the paper(link is external) and visit the website(link is external).
About the i5k Workspace@NAL working group
The i5k Workspace@NAL working group comprises a diverse set of stakeholders from the insect genomics community and beyond. The working group provides guidance on the i5k Workspace program and stakeholder needs. More information about the working group is available on the working group page.
About the Knowledge Services Division of the National Agricultural Library
The i5k Workspace@NAL is developed and maintained by the Knowledge Services Division of the National Agricultural Library. The mission of the Knowledge Services Division is to 1) advance knowledge discovery in agricultural sciences through the acquisition, preservation, and description of scientific datasets made accessible through the development of data management and visualization tools; and 2) to translate science discoveries for the understanding of audiences beyond the science and policy communities.
How to cite us
If you use the i5k Workspace@NAL for your research, we would appreciate it if you cited our resources in any resulting publications:
We use Icons8(link is external) and Font Awesome(link is external) for our website icons.