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News Archive

Website news

For those who missed it, or would like to review - the slides from our Apollo webinar on August 29th are available on our presentations page, or here: Slides (pdf)

Infrastructure update

We've been working to improve our data submission process, and now support the SHA512 checksum for ensuring data integrity. We have also added the ability to directly upload your files at the time of submission. See our dataset submission overview for a summary of the dataset submission process.

New Species

The assembly NIJG01 of the orchid bee Euglossa dilemma and associated annotations are now available at the i5k Workspace.

Organism page:

Thank you to our newest data providers!

Website news

Dear all,

We will hold a webinar on August 29th, 2017, at 1 pm MDT, on the Apollo manual annotation software.

The webinar will last an hour and will cover:

  • Background on the principles of manual annotation;
  • A live annotation example on the organism Eurytemora affinis.  

This webinar will be hosted using the AT&T Connect software.  Please use the link below to join the conference.  If you have not used AT&T Connect before, please download the application and try to connect a few minutes before the start time.

Use this link to see the Webinar time in your local time zone:

To join AT&T Connect Conference:
Option 1. To connect using the AT&T Connect application, click here:
The link will provide a prompt to download the application and will launch the application once installed.
(Please note, if you use the Firefox browser, I have found this link does not always properly launch the application.  If you are having problems connecting, please try the link in another web browser.)
Option 2. Connect through your WEB BROWSER without downloading the AT&T Connect application (usually requires accessing audio via phone connection)
Meeting Number: 8888449904       Meeting Code: 8586822

Audio connection if not possible via computer:
1. USA Access: USA Toll-Free: 888-844-9904, then enter Code: 8586822# or USA Caller Paid: 816-423-4261, then enter Code: 8586822#
2. International Access Numbers. A number in your country or in a country close to you (may not be toll free).
3. When prompted, enter the Meeting Access Code: 8586822#
Monica and the i5k Workspace@NAL Team


Website news

We will be holding a webinar on Friday July 14 at 1pm Eastern to introduce users to the resources available at the i5k Workspace@NAL.  The webinar will last an hour and will cover:

  • An introduction to the i5k Workspace project and website
  • Methods to search for data and tutorials on our website
  • How to join an annotation project
  • A primer on our tools: BLAST, Clustal, HMMER, JBrowse and Apollo
  • Pulling it all together with example workflows


This webinar will be hosted using the AT&T Connect software.  Please use the link below to join the conference.  If you have not used AT&T Connect before, please download the application and try to connect a few minutes before the start time.


Use this link to see the Webinar time in your local time zone:


To join AT&T Connect Conference:


Option 1. To connect using the AT&T Connect application, click here:

The link will provide a prompt to download the application and will launch the application once installed. 

(Please note, if you use the Firefox browser, I have found this link does not always properly launch the application.  If you are having problems connecting, please try the link in another web browser.)


Option 2. Connect through your WEB BROWSER without downloading the AT&T Connect application

Meeting Number: 8888449904       Meeting Code: 8586822



URL for the time zone tool if you are unable to use the link above:


New Species

Assembly Lm_v2.2 of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, is now available at the i5k Workspace:

Organism page:

Thank you to our newest data providers!

Website news

Our colleagues Ricky Punzalan, Morgan Daniels, Katie Gucer, and Adam Kriesberg at University of Maryland have developed a survey on data practices of agricultural researchers. If you consider yourself an agricultural researcher, please consider participating in this survey! See details below.


Greetings on behalf of the Agricultural Data Curation project at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies. We are studying the data practices of agricultural researchers in multiple settings. As part of our project, we are conducting a survey of these communities.

We will ask you about your research practice, data management, reuse, and data sharing practices, in addition to some questions about the current state of research data management. This survey is voluntary and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The survey is located at

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. The data we collect from you and others will be reported in aggregate to provide valuable insight into data curation practice among agricultural researchers.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email (



Ricky Punzalan, Assistant Professor

Morgan Daniels, Postdoctoral Fellow

Kathryn Gucer, Postdoctoral Fellow

Adam Kriesberg, Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Maryland College of Information Studies

New Species

There are several new organisms available at the i5k Workspace:

The burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides.
Organism page:

The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida:
Organism page:

Thank you to our newest data providers!

Website news

The i5k Workspace will participate in the 10th Arthropod Genomics Symposium and Arthropod Bioinformatics Workshop. This will be a great opportunity for new or potential i5k Workspace users to become familiar with the services that we offer. The Symposium and workshop will be held from June 7 - June 11, 2017, at the University of Notre Dame.

For more information, please visit the Symposium website and workshop website.

Website news

We will be at the International Congress of Entomology XXV (ICE 2016) next week, to help promote the i5k Workspace@NAL, the upcoming i5k webinar series and and the larger i5k initiative. You can also learn more at The i5k Workspace@NAL is presenting poster #D3385, and representatives from the i5k initiative will be at booth 320.