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News Archive

Website news

Our next i5k Workspace webinar will be July 19th at 1 pm MDT. Please join us! 

The webinar will last about 30 minutes, and will cover our recent gene page removal:

  • We'll explain why we removed the pages;
  • The data are still accessible - we'll show you the best ways to find what you need;
  • We'll have a Q&A to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Click this link to view the event in your time zone:


Connection details:

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Meeting ID: 160 026 7760

Passcode: 373884

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Website news

The i5k Workspace@NAL team is streamlining services, in order to gain more time to focus on services that i5k Workspace@NAL users actually want and need. A recent evaluation of user needs demonstrated that the i5k Workspace's gene pages do not provide much value. The data represented in these pages are available elsewhere - NCBI's GenBank or RefSeq databases display information at the gene and protein level; the i5k Workspace@NAL and Ag Data Commons provide information at the dataset level. From a technical perspective, the gene pages are challenging and time-consuming to maintain. Finally, we have not been able to provide gene pages for all gene sets due to personnel shortages.

As a result, we have decided to remove all gene pages from the i5k Workspace. ​

What does this mean for your dataset? This does not mean that the data are lost, or not accessible anymore. You can still find the data at the i5k Workspace@NAL and NCBI (GenBank or RefSeq), and in some cases the Ag Data Commons. Links to these resources are compiled in each dataset page - see the table below for names and links of datasets for which we have removed gene and mRNA pages. In addition, you can still interact with the genes from this dataset in JBrowse and Apollo, including link-outs to gene pages at NCBI (or in a few cases, HymenopteraMine and VEuPathDB) from the individual gene glyphs (; and search for them using BLAST (

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! We hope that the impact on your work will be minimal, but please let us know if this is a major inconvenience for you.

Dataset links table
Dataset name Link to dataset information
Anoplophora glabripennis Official Gene Set v1.2  
Bombus impatiens annotations bimp_OGSv1.1        
Cephus cinctus annotations cepcin_OGSv1.1        
Cimex lectularius Official Gene Set v1.2         
Ephemera danica annotations ephdan_OGSv1.0       
Frankliniella occidentalis annotations fraocc_OGSv1.1
Halyomorpha halys annotations halhal_OGSv1.2     
Hyalella azteca annotations OGSv1.2              
Ladona fulva annotations Official Gene Set ladful_OGSv1.1
Laodelphax striatellus Official Gene Set v1.2    
Microplitis demolitor Official Gene Set micdem_OGSv1.0
Nylanderia fulva annotations OGSv1.0             
Oncopeltus fasciatus Official Gene Set v1.1      
NCBI Bradysia coprophila Annotation Release 100  
NCBI Chelonus insularis Annotation Release 100   
NCBI Contarinia nasturtii Annotation Release 100 
NCBI Diachasma alloeum Annotation Release 101    
NCBI Drosophila bipectinata Annotation Release 102
NCBI Drosophila elegans Annotation Release 102   
NCBI Drosophila eugracilis Annotation Release 102
NCBI Drosophila ficusphila Annotation Release 102
NCBI Drosophila kikkawai Annotation Release 102  
NCBI Drosophila rhopaloa Annotation Release 102  
NCBI Drosophila takahashii Annotation Release 102
NCBI Galleria mellonella Annotation Release 101  
NCBI Lucilia sericata Annotation Release 100     
NCBI Manduca sexta Annotation Release 102        
NCBI Odontomachus brunneus Annotation Release 100
NCBI Osmia lignaria Annotation Release 100       
NCBI Photinus pyralis Annotation Release 100     
NCBI Rhipicephalus microplus Annotation Release 100
NCBI Tribolium madens Annotation Release 100     
NCBI Varroa jacobsoni Annotation Release 100     
NCBI Venturia canescens Annotation Release 100   

New Species

A new organism from the Ag100Pest project ( is available at the i5k Workspace.

New organism:

  • Helicoverpa zea genome assembly ilHelZeax1.1 (GCF_022581195.2) and NCBI annotation release 100

New organism and dataset pages (; browsers with mapped RNA-Seq (; file downloads, including functional annotations (; and BLAST databases ( are available. Apollo registration for all organisms can be accessed at

Please let us know if you notice any issues!

New Species

Four new organisms from the Ag100Pest project ( are available at the i5k Workspace.

New organisms:

  • Diprion similis: genome assembly iyDipSimi1.1 (GCF_021155765.1) and NCBI annotation release 100
  • Neodiprion fabricii genome assembly iyNeoFabr1.1 (GCF_021155785.1) and NCBI annotation release 100
  • Neodiprion pinetum: genome assembly  iyNeoPine1.1 (GCF_021155775.1) and NCBI annotation release 100
  • Neodiprion virginiana: genome assembly iyNeoVirg1.1 (GCF_021901495.1) and NCBI annotation release 100

New organism and dataset pages (; browsers with mapped RNA-Seq (; file downloads, including functional annotations (; and BLAST databases ( are available. Apollo registration for all organisms can be accessed at

Please let us know if you notice any issues!

Website news

Dear all,

Save the date. Our next webinar is scheduled for March 29, 2022 at 3:00PM Eastern.

Topics include a brief introduction to the services at the i5k workspace, and then discuss the new features and interfaces in the recently updated Apollo2 software. There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Connection details:

Topic: What's new at the i5k workspace: Apollo2 updates

Time: Mar 29, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 161 961 0450

Passcode: 189689

Website news

Registration for both the Arthropod Genomics Symposium 2022 (June 9 - 11) and the pre-symposium VectorBase hands-on Workshop 2022 (June 5-9) are both online!

The VectorBase hands-on Workshop will also feature training on the Apollo manual curation tool. Please see the description below from VectorBase for more information, as well as the website:

Registration is now open for the VectorBase hands-on Workshop 2022
6:00 pm on Sunday, 5th June to 12:00 pm (noon) on Thursday, 9th June 2022
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
In-person (sessions will not be virtual or recorded)

This workshop is scheduled as an Arthropod Genomics Symposium (AGS) pre-meeting event, and even if you are not attending AGS, you are more than welcome to attend the workshop.

This is a 5-day intensive workshop that will provide you with hands-on training on how to effectively use VectorBase to mine the available data and to analyze your own data. Since VectorBase is part of the VEuPathDB Bioinformatics Resource Center (BRC), all learned knowledge can be applied to its other components such as those supporting vector-transmitted pathogens Plasmodium (PlasmoDB), Leishmania, Trypanosoma (TriTrypDB), Babesia, and Theileria (PiroplasmaDB).

Find out more:
Travel grant:
Register here:

Please forward to colleagues working in arthropods of medical importance!


New Species

Dear all,

  1. The Biology Department at Washington Jefferson College invites applications for a visiting assistant professor position in computational biology starting in Fall 2022. Please follow this link to the position advertisement for more information: If there are any questions about the position, the application process, or about the college, potential applicants can contact Tom Contreras at
  2. A new organism, Tribolium madens, is available at the i5k Workspace.
    1. Find more information from this organism:
    2. Genome browser:
    3. Apollo registration:


Monica and the i5k Workspace team

Website news

Dear all,

Our next i5k Workspace webinar will be November 23rd at 1 pm MST.

The webinar will last one hour and will cover:

  • Background on the principles of manual annotation;
  • Instructions on using the Apollo software, including changes in Apollo v2.6;
  • A live annotation example.

Click this link to view the event in your time zone:


Monica and the i5k Workspace team

Connection details:

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 061 7095

Passcode: 906496

One tap mobile

+16692545252,,1600617095#,,,,*906496# US (San Jose)

+16468287666,,1600617095#,,,,*906496# US (New York)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)

        +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)

        +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)

        +1 551 285 1373 US

        833 568 8864 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 160 061 7095

Passcode: 906496

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New Species

Three new organisms are available at the i5k Workspace, and five additional organisms have been updated to the latest genome assembly.

New organisms:

  • Bradysia coprophila (genome assembly GCF_014529535.1 and NCBI Annotation Release 100)
  • Lucilia sericata (genome assembly GCF_015586225.1 and NCBI Annotation Release 100)
  • Venturia canescens (genome assembly GCF_019457755.1 and NCBI Annotation Release 100)

Updated organisms:

  • Drosophila elegans (update from GCF_000224195.1 to GCF_018152505.1)
  • Drosophila eugracilis (update from GCF_000236325.1 to GCF_018153835.1)
  • Drosophila kikkawai (update from GCF_000224215.1 to GCF_018152505.1)
  • Ladona fulva (update from Baylor College of Medicine assembly Lful_2.0)
  • Rhipicephalus microplus (update from Rmi_v2.0 to ASM1333972v1)

New and updated organism, dataset, and gene pages (; browsers with mapped RNA-Seq (; file downloads, including functional annotations (; and BLAST databases ( are available. Apollo registration for all organisms can be accessed at

For updated genomes, file downloads and dataset pages of the older assemblies and annotations are still available, and are archived at the Ag Data Commons ( and NCBI GenBank where appropriate.

Please let us know if you notice any issues!

Website news

On Tuesday, August 24th, at 1pm MDT, the i5k Workspace@NAL will answer any questions that you have about i5k Workspace@NAL data and tools, including annotating using the Apollo manual curation tool. You are welcome to bring annotation problems, ask questions about the datasets that we host, or provide comments or constructive criticism.
Please submit your questions in advance to by August 23rd. If there is time, there will also be the opportunity to ask questions that were not submitted previously. 
Click this link to find the event time in your timezone:
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 161 996 5511
Passcode: 387775
One tap mobile +16692545252,,1619965511#,,,,*387775# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1619965511#,,,,*387775# US (New York)
Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864
US Toll-free Meeting ID: 161 996 5511
Passcode: 387775
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